October 4, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

MIss anything in the world of Stock Gumshoe last week?   We started out, in what feels like it was a very different world, pre-debate and pre-diagnosis, with a look at the world of "Pre-IPOs" -- Ian Wyatt was hinting both at ways to buy into Palantir (which is a moot point now, though that idea didn't work so well), and into the "next Tesla" ... so what's the story?  Just click below to...

A Pulitzer prize-winning stock legend says another historic bull market is taking shape. Perhaps the biggest of our lifetime. Last time this happened the Dow shot up 346%. This time it looks like the sky’s the limit -- and it could make you rich

Go here to see what’s about to happen.


Apparently, as of yesterday the "secret is out" for Enrique Abeyta's pitched "Eyes beyind self-driving vehicles" stock... so what's going on?  My updated story is here.

And we saw a continued push behind the aggressive "this company won the war against COVID-19" pitch by Jason Simpkins for The Wealth Warrior... so what's that "tiny tech stock" he's excited about?  Thinkolator answers here.

Bryan Tycango is pitching some "next China" ideas for Stansberry's "China Opportunities" newsletter...  He hints at "three easy-to-buy 'next China' opportunities that could rise by hundreds of percent or more" in the ad... so can the Thinkolator name some (or all) of them for us?  Maybe... my piece is here.

And as usual, the week wrapped with my Friday File for the Irregulars -- some big-picture thoughts that you should probably ignore, as usual, but I do have one new buy, some thoughts on disruption to the insurance industry, an update on Par Technology and more... just click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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