November 22, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the world of Gumshoe?  As you wait with bated breath for the release of the Turkey of the Year announcement later this Thanksgiving week, here's some catch-up reading for you...
We started the week with a look at the "Secret Currency" being pitched by Steve Sjuggerud... what's that all about?  Thinkolator has some answers for you, just click below to...

An official government document outlines a coming event that is so shocking a famous billionaire believes this could be the end of America. The good news is this event will also bring with it ample opportunities to build wealth swiftly for those who know how.

Click here for the shocking details…


Then we mvoed on to something a little more unusual -- a private investment that Matt McCall says is kind of like getting in on Holly wood residuals... sounds interesting, right?  Here's the story as I see it.

Anything with Tesla or Elon Musk seems to get attention these days, so I guess it's no surprise that the latest Green Chip Stocks ads are headlined "Elon Musk's Big Bombshell" as they tease the next advance in solar cells... something Jeff Siegel calls "spray-on solar" -- Thinkolator answers on that here.

And Shah Gilani is launching a new service he calls the "Hyperdrive Portfolio", in his ads he teases five "work from home" stocks that he thinks will post huge growth from here... our take is here.

We also got a bunch of questions this week about RiskHedge's "Amazon Killer" pitch, and that's one we covered a while back -- I re-posted the answer for you here.

Finally, I wrapped up the week with my regular Friday File for the Irregulars... this week we've got a few big updates from portfolio companies like GAN and SE to chew on, plus some more explanation of SPACs and a new stock being added to my watchlist... just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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