January 31, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

We've had a lot of "unprecedented" things happen in the past year in the Stock Market, but this week's wild short squeeze showdown sure takes the cake -- and while it's fun to watch, I'm pretty happy to stay back in the cheap seats where I'm not going to be crushed when the roof caves in.  So what's been pitched and touted by the newsletter pundits this week?   Stick with me, and I'll catch you up on the stories that made it to Stock Gumshoe...
We started things off, way back on Monday, with a look a Motley Fool tease about an urgent microcap idea... my story was mostly guessing, but we had a good discussion, just click below to...

Its widespread adoption has Reuters calling this “odd” type of trade the “new Baby Boomer hobby” ...but Jim Fink’s “twist” on this trade could hand you $1,295 on average each week from just 9 minutes of “work.” Get the inside scoop on this “$1,295 per week” system in a ground-breaking new presentation...

Click here for instant access.


And we stuck to that microcap theme on Tuesday -- Dylan Jovine was touting his #1 microcap for February, and it also happened to be one of those "heavily shorted" ideas that got a lot of attention this week -- my story on that is here.

Next to chime in was Jimmy Mengel, going more "mega-cap" with his pitch about a "God Chip" and the dreams that a new technology kissed by MIT and DARPA will generate 12,795% returns... Thinkolator results here for that one.

Michael popped by with another COVID-19 update in his latest Doc Gumshoe column as well -- hope, faccine, treatments, scary virus variants?  His take is here.

And for the Friday File, I couldn't resist a bit of a screed about the GameStop (GME) silliness, but we can quickly move past that — I also added a couple new buys this week, and started with the Real Money Portfolio Annual Review, in which I’ll summarize my thoughts and a buy/sell opinion on every stock in the portfolio… details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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