May 10, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy Mother's Day weekend out there to all of you Mamas... I hope it's a lovely one.  In case you're sick of bonbons and lilacs, I'm here to catch you up on the stock silliness and fever dreams of the past week... ready?
The most-requested article on the week was about The Wealth Advisory's pitch for "Electric Glass" -- Just click below for the Thinkolator results and...

I'll never forget this moment ... standing in front of 300 traders as the featured speaker at the All Star's of Options Trading, I stopped and asked a simple question: "How many of you have ever heard of this strategy before?" Only 5 hands went up in the entire room. My absolute favorite strategy and nobody was using it, until now.

Download The Greatest Options Strategy Ever Made Today, This Report Is Completely Free. Remember who gave it to you!


That wasn't the only pitch about batteries, electrical vehicles and future excitement, though, we also de-teased Hilary Kramer's "Stock of the Decade", story about her "2,500 mile electric car stock" here.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with his latest update from the world of medicine -- he's got some thoughts to share on herd immunity, the latest on vaccines and treatments, and some distinctly non-COVID updates on dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, and more... just click here for his May Miscellany...

Luke Burgess has been teasing us about the "largest gold find in the last 30 years" and says this secret stock is the "#1 gold stock of the decade" ... my take on that is here.

And for the Friday File this week, I got into a teaser solution for you regarding a Crypto Stock pitch from the Oxford Club folks, added a new holding to my five-year $100K lock box portfolio, and shared updates on quarters from Roku, Fastly, WESCO, Cloudflare and more... details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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