August 14, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

A merry mid-August week to you, dear friend... miss anything in the quiet summer days of Stock Gumshoe?  Let me catch you up...

Our most-discussed article on the week was Charles Mizrahi's "L5 Revolution," all about autonomous driving and his favorite (top secret, natch) stock in that space... wanna know the secret?  Me, too, just click below to...

After 31 years of trading the markets, I just found the Holy Grail of dividend stocks. With a 35% yield and monthly payments, it is a MUST in every income trader's portfolio. Click here to learn more.


We also dug into a "Canadian Disruptor" that the Motley Fool has been teasing as a recent IPO -- something to do with AI, and in fact something to do with COVID, too, you can see my take on that  here.

And would you like a bonus for reading this far?  I haven't written about it recently, but we've gotten a ton of questions of late about the "under the radar Canadian stock" that "has caught Amazon's attention" and generated a "major buy alert" from the Fool Canada folks... I haven't written about it recently, maybe we'll get to it next week, but that's a refresh of their older tease about CargoJet, we covered a previous pitch of theirs on that one last year.

I closed the week with the Friday File, naturally -- this time we've got a quick and unpleasant reminder of how richly valued the market is in a general sense, but I don’t let that get me too depressed — plenty of news as well, too, and stuff to buy and sell.   I spend most of my time this week digging into my newest holding, another marijuana REIT, just click below for that story and my other updates for the Irregulars this week...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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