December 18, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Inflation, COVID permutations, and worry worry worry... that was the mood of the market this week, but it's always future riches that are on the minds of the pundits who are trying to sell us their stories... what are they pitching this week?  Let's catch you up...
We started with a new Whitney Tilson ad campaign for something he calls "Netstake", a company bringing Netflix magic to gambling... just click below for that one to...

PayPal… SpaceX… Tesla. Each of his past projects have made investors—both retail and private—extremely rich. But if you missed out on any of them… DON’T WORRY! Because Elon expects his latest project to be the most profitable yet!

Discover how Musk’s “secret partner” could hand you gains of 886%


Then it was on to another "Miracle Mineral" teased -- this time it's phosphate, and we gotta find more or we'll all starve!  But wait, the Outsider Club found some, hiding under a lake!  Where?  Just click here for our take, and the Thinkolator solution.

I re-posted our solution to Carr's "Ultimate $10 Growth Stock" pitch, since we got more questions about that this week.

And I shared a quickie solution for a Michael Robinson tease about the Metaverse -- he's hinting at two stocks and one cryptocurrency, and the Thinkolator is on the case.

For the Friday File this week I’ve got some big-picture thoughts on inflation, which drifts into some updates on dividend growth updates from companies we own and a buy of one of those that just boosted the dividend this week. I also entered into a renewed hedging position, so I'll detail that... just click below if you missed the Friday email...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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