January 29, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Another wild and woolly week, though this one ended with a little more pep than last week -- so what dreams of lucre have crossed our path?  Let's run down the stories that graced Stock Gumshoe this week...
We started out by looking into a teaser about the riches to flow from the "most technologically avanced non-lethal handgun ever", just click below to...

Countless investors are throwing good money after bad in the hope of striking it rich on meme stocks … while a savvy minority are moving their money into an entirely new financial system. And they’re reaping tremendous benefits, from 19.5% on “savings” all the way up to 2,499% on a more speculative play. (That windfall did take a couple of years.) It’s all happening now in the new world of “decentralized finance.”

To find out exactly how, go here now.


Then it was dreams of infinity... first from Keith Kohl's tease about "infinite lithium" being produced by a little company (my take is here)...

And then from Michael Robinson's tease about an "infinity chamber," where quantum computing riches await -- thinkolator results here.

And while it's been a crazy month so far, I don't know which way the winds will blow next week or next month... so the full title of our Friday File for the Irregulars is, "Dancing in the Titanic's Ballroom while Jeremy Grantham is on Iceberg Watch."  Full story below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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