October 1, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Another week, more inflation scares, falling stock markets... is anything getting interesting out there?  We mostly looked at some income-focused investments last week, we started out by sleuthing out Tim Melvin's "Perfect Dividend Stock", so if you missed that you can click below to...

Could the technology behind this odd-looking machine really be the most transformative innovation in history?
Experts are screaming “YES”!
Elon Musk calls it “amazing…”
A former Apple CEO says “[it will] have a far bigger impact on humanity than the Internet”…
While a Harvard Ph.D. says it will “[surpass] the space, atomic, and electronic revolutions in its significance.”
It’s a technology I call “Imperium.”

And it’s about to spark the biggest investment mega trend in history … with one small Silicon Valley company at the center of it all.  Want the details? Then click here now…


And Melvin touted some other ideas as well, which leaked over into a second article here at Stock Gumshoe... in particular, he touted his "Perfect Real Estate Stock," which also happens to have a very high dividend.  My take on that one is here.

Doc Gumshoe also graced our pages once again, thsi time with some follow-ups on anti-inflammatories, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's Disease and more, you can catch Michael's column here if you missed it the first time around.

And Friday brought with it the Friday File for my favorite people, as usual -- this week I have some updates from my portfolio, mostly regarding tax-loss selling, but I spent most of my time digging into a teaser for "Compound M" and its potential to disrupt the energy markets.  So we've got a couple new stocks to chat about... and one of them is even a new Berkshire Hathaway holding, which always catches my eye, so perhaps you'll find it interesting.  Just click below for that story...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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