January 29, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the world of Gumshoe last week?  Have no fear, we're here to catch you up....
The most-requested new teaser solution was for Whitney Tilson's "EoD" pitch -- he's got four stocks that he thinks will win big from the "Everything on Demand" trend, including some biggies you've heard of and some more surprising names... just click below for the Thinkolator results to...

What else did we look into this week? 

The Motley Fool continues to pelt us with pitches for their "$523,111 bet" -- the stock they're teasing hasn't changed, but the story has, so I updated my take for you here.

Michael Robinson is helming a new newsletter new, and he has been talking up the likelihood that the "iPhone Killer" will be released (by Apple) at their next earnings report.  That's next week (he got the date wrong in his "January 25" deadeline), so what's the story?   Just click here.

And we're also seeing a new crop of the good ol, "someone ownes you $1,788 a month in 'benefits'" ads from Personal Finance.... they don't, sorry, but they're pitching a high yield investment and I discuss it here.

Speaking of high yields,  I added a new position to the Real Money Portfolio this week, a speculative income investment that has a decent chance of providing a 20% annual yield for eight years...  just click below for my full writeup, along with other news from my portfolio.

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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