March 4, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Shall we panic about inflation and rising interest rates, or be enthusiastic about the Fed “pausing” their interest rate hikes sometime soon? Well, that depends on whatever the next little monthly data point happens to be… which means, in the short term, that we might as well bet on the horses we think can win for a few years, not the race they’re in the middle of right this moment.

So which horses are being touted by the newsletter promoters these days?  Let's catch you up on the week that was... we started out with a look at Whitney Tilson's 1,000% windfall pitch about LNG, just click below to...

The Federal Reserve has a disturbing plan that is getting ready to roll out as soon as May. This is a lot more than printing trillions of dollars or manipulating interest rates. It’s about every checking account, every purchase and every money transfer in America — including yours and mine. 

Click here to discover how to protect your money


Then it was on to an oldie that keeps coming back for more... Alex Green at the Oxford Club is AGAIN touting his $4 "single stock retirement play," the one stock that he thinks should be the foundation of every portfolio.  Do you buy it?  Here's what I think.

We also covered a pitch for what Karim Rahemtulla is now calling the "$1 Nuclear Miracle" -- my take on that one is just a click away.

And we finished up with the Friday File for our favorite people... including a look at Warren Buffett’s Annual Letter, my updated buy prices for Berkshire and a few other Real Money Portfolio stocks, and one actual buy that I made this week (along with one sell).  Just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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