February 25, 2024
Dear Valued Reader,

We don't have a crop of new teaser solutions for you to peruse this week, since I've been on vacation with the family... but I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow, and in the meantime, if you want a little something to chew on this weekend and you've already read Warren Buffett's latest Annual Letter (it's a good one this year, and pretty short), we might wash down NVIDIA's latest eye-popping earnings report with a look at all of the other AI-driven stocks that have been teased over the past year -- we've written about 54 of them, and I summed those up here if you missed that piece...

New research proves that trading one ticker every week has had the ability to produce extraordinary gains...

Including a rare 2,614% in under 11 days.

See this groundbreaking new discovery for yourself.



The Friday File for my favorite people came a little early this week, and was shorter than usual, but it was hard to ignore the NVIDIA earnings update, even while I was on vacation, and a couple other reports caught my eye as well....

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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