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April 20, 2021
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
Micromanagement is the unfortunate byproduct of remote working and has led to employee frustration with a plethora of unnecessary meetings. Reduce fatigue by only scheduling remote meetings that have a purpose for those who attend and use project management tools instead to track progress, advises Ohio University's Nicole Antoinette Smith.
Full Story: Training magazine (4/16) 
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Skills, talent and performance are essential for career growth, but possessing executive presence with key stakeholders is the trait that helps people reach senior leadership levels, says Joel Garfinkle in this blog post and video. "You need to be the leader who commands respect and whose opinion everyone seeks out," he says.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (4/19) 
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Your writing can be effective and concise when you use simple words, tell short stories and refine the message to its essence before sitting down to write, writes Josh Spector. "You can't write clearly until you're clear in your own mind about what you want to say, why, and who you want to hear it," he writes.
Full Story: Josh Spector (4/13) 
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Hire Smart
Most companies have some policy regarding location-based compensation, according to a WorldatWork study that also found 67% of employees expect location to be factored into their salaries. More than 40% of employers with existing location-based policies have adjusted or are reconsidering their guidelines.
Full Story: Society for Human Resource Management (tiered subscription model) (4/19) 
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The Landscape
Paycheck Fairness Act passes the House
(Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images)
The US House has passed The Paycheck Fairness Act -- a bill aiming to increase workplace protections for female workers and close the gender pay gap. The bill makes it illegal for employers to seek salary history information when recruiting and protects workers who discuss their salaries, while President Joe Biden stated, "Closing the gender pay gap is more than just an economic imperative -- it's a moral imperative as well."
Full Story: CNBC (4/16) 
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Employers should be prepared for significant changes under President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan, including extended unemployment assistance and premium assistance for employees who qualify for COBRA coverage. The plan also expands paid sick and family leave coverage while increasing the wages employers can claim credit for.
Full Story: JD Supra (4/19) 
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The Water Cooler
Secrets of the world's first color photos revealed
Lippman (Print Collector/Getty Images)
Scientist and inventor Gabriel Lippmann won the 1908 Nobel Prize in physics for his method of reproducing colors in photography. Researchers recently studied the original photographic plates Lippmann used and found that while most photographic techniques take just three spectral measurements, Lippmann's approach typically captured 26 to 64 spectral samples.
Full Story: EPFL (Switzerland) (4/15) 
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April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.
Christopher Morley,
writer, editor, journalist
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