TRIPLE your impact through Nov. 3.

Free Press Action
Your donation x3 until election day. STOP disinformation and the suppression of truth now. Fight back with Free Press Action!

With just 5 days left until Election Day, the Trump administration and some congressional Republicans are using all the tools and dirty tricks in their arsenal to spread disinformation and lies that benefit the president — and are doing everything they can to ensure that social-media companies can’t do anything about it.

Yesterday, Senate Republicans called the CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter in for a sham hearing. During the proceedings, the GOP lawmakers devoted their time to claiming — without evidence — that there’s anti-conservative bias at the companies.

And last Thursday, FCC Chairman Pai announced plans to begin enforcing the president’s unconstitutional executive order that aims to punish social-media platforms that fact check him or enforce their anti-hate policies.1

Free Press is in court right now, suing the Trump administration to block this illegal attempt at suppressing truth and free speech. Now we need to bring the fight to the FCC and stop it from allowing Trump to spread disinformation unchecked.

We have just $1,864 left to raise toward our TRIPLE-match goal — could you donate today to help Free Press Action fight disinformation and hate during Election 2020?

Chairman Pai has rejected the notion that the FCC holds regulatory power over ISPs — so his efforts to assert control over social-media platforms is an astoundingly transparent attempt to help the Trump administration spread hate and disinformation.

Some congressional Republicans are also attempting to help Trump use disinformation to his advantage: Senators have introduced a grab-bag of legislation that would penalize social-media companies’ efforts to curb disinformation and white supremacy.

Some of the most powerful forces in the country are behind the spread of hate and disinformation online. But together we’re powerful too — please donate NOW to have 3x the impact in the fight against disinformation, hate and the suppression of people’s voices and votes in Election 2020 and beyond.

Some social-media platforms have attempted to stop or slow the spread of propaganda and unverified stories — like the discredited New York Post article about Hunter Biden.

It’s critical that social-media platforms work to curb the kinds of lies that affected the 2016 election.

We need all the help we can get to fight back against the Trump administration’s attempts to let disinformation spread unchecked. Donate now to TRIPLE your impact!

Thank you for everything you do.

Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Every day is critical to our fight against the disinformation, hate and suppression tactics during Election 2020 — and we’re determined to keep this fight up for as long as we need to. Free Press Action doesn’t take a single dollar from business, government or political parties — so everything we do is possible only because of supporters like you. Please donate now to TRIPLE your impact for Election 2020 and beyond.

1. “FCC Chairman Moves to Regulate Internet Sites and Social Media That Refuse to Amplify Trump Propaganda and Lies,” Free Press, Oct. 15, 2020

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