Thrifty Tips (January 18, 2018)
Sandi has another no-nonsense storage tip, this one using the space in empty glass jars. How do you fit too many items into too small a space? Send in a tip for our Organizing contest. You might win $50!

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Thrifty Tip Contest

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Today's Featured Post

Storing Stuff in Other Stuff

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

Empty bottles with skeins of yarn stored inside.I have posted about moving things in other things to keep them protected. This is as handy to have in that little place in the back of your mind you keep tips! I had jars, small balls of thread and just incorporated them!

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Today's Guides
Freezing Uncooked Potatoes
Setting Colors in Clothing So They Don't Bleed
Colorful clothing in a washing machine.
Paint Color Advice for a White and Gray Kitchen
White and Gray Kitchen
Shrinking Capris
Capri Pants
Today's Posts

Homemade Linen Spray

By coville123

Ingredients for homemade linen sprayWith 3 dogs and 5 kids, it's hard to keep stuff smelling nice. Febreeze is about $8-10 dollars a bottle, so I make my own.

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Sardina Empanadas

By katrine2706

Sardina Empanadas in bowl ready to eatEmpanada is a type of pie filled with meat and vegetables. Usually empanadas are deep fried but my version of it is a simple, and a little cheaper. It's baked and instead of using pie crust I was able to make bread dough without yeast!

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Homemade Bath Bombs

A pink bath bomb in a cupcake liner.Bath bombs can be so pricey in the stores so why not make your own? This project would be perfect for teens or to make for gifts. Learn how in this short video.

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Hubby's Valentine Day Tot or Shooter Box

By Benetta

Hubby's Valentine Day Tot or Shooter Box - closed gift boxHere is a cute little alcoholic shooter or tot box for your hubby on Valentine's Day. Made from a recycled lasagna box, this box is sure to steal his heart.

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Pop Can Tabs for Shower Curtain Grommets

By NoRulesArt

I needed to hang a shower curtain made from a bedspread I no longer used. I do not have a button hole option on my sewing machine nor did I want to spend money on grommets.

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