Strategic thoughts for the new year
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    July 25-27, 2023
Terranea Resort 
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Happy New Year from NBJ Summit
Happy New Year and Thoughts for 2023 - A Letter from Tom Aarts

In last year's letter, I got personal about my experience with Covid-19. I also talked about humility and what it means to be humble as leaders. (Feel free to tell me how I’m doing on this). Looking back now, it’s safe to say that 2022 turned into a year when so many of us were humbled with the many challenges facing our industry. 

I have mostly recovered, turning my attention to addressing long-haul symptoms such as neuroinflammation. I sought out some new diagnostic tests (e.g., Innovative Bioanalysis) and protocols that I imagine will address the omnipresent consequences of the pandemic. According to the CDC, one in five people infected with the virus experience long-haul symptoms (about 25 million people in the United States). As Winston Churchill once said, "never let a crisis go to waste."
Read the Full Letter
Save the Date for 2023 Registration

In 2023, we are continuing to offer both in-person and virtual attendance options for NBJ Summit. The in-person event will be invite-only and limited to nutrition industry CEOs and executives and will take place July 25-27 at the Terranea Resort in Ranch Palos Verdes, CA. The virtual component of the Summit will take place on the same days and can be accessed digitally by registered attendees from any location.

View the working agenda now to see what's in store! Registration will open at the end of January.

View Agenda
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