Consumers want to share more about themselves, so brands get it right. But not at the expense of their personal data.

As we look ahead to 2022, what brands will stand out in the eyes of the consumer? How will personalization and customer experience drive how organizations build and maintain their brand equity? Who will consumers trust with the protection of their first-party data?

Join John Nash, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer at Redpoint Global, as he explores the top areas of focus for delivering highly personalized customer experiences as we head into 2022. You will learn:

  • What consumers are expecting from their preferred brands
  • Methods to win and nurture the trust of your consumers
  • Best practices of collecting and using first-party data as third-party cookies fade away
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The MarTech and Digital Marketing Depot Teams

P.S. If you can't make the webinar, register anyway and we'll send you the video recording of the webinar later in the day.

Sponsored by Redpoint

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