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Friday, October 22, 2021



Home Health NOW

Join us at Home Health NOW where we will help home health agencies enhance compliance and reimbursement in regards to face-to-face policy and help navigate the new world of potential COVID-19 vaccine mandates.


Home Health

Study: Low wages, recruitment struggles hindering direct care hiring
A new study by PHI National and the University of California San Francisco found that “an immeasurably small number” of displaced workers during the second quarter of 2020 were re-employed into direct care. The study authors suggested low wages for director care workers likely contributed to the lack of movement into these jobs. They also …

Flu Season

The Next Health Challenge for Employers: Navigating Flu Season Amid a Pandemic
Living through a pandemic has taught us many things, chief among them being that just when you think you’ve adapted to a new normal, it’s already changed. Viruses evolve, as do our responses. Today, we have a better understanding of how the virus spreads and vaccines that are effective and readily available. But we’re also …

Featured Event

Private Duty National Conference & Expo

DecisionHealth is hosting the 2021 Private Duty National Conference & Expo in Las Vegas, October 27-29, for a wonderful and responsible reunion. This 2½-day conference and expo will cover real-life examples of how private duty home care agencies can create solid infection control policies, keep clients and caregivers safe, develop flexible scheduling, increase their profits, retain caregivers, and comply with wage-and-hour regulations.


Post-Acute Advisor Podcast

COVID, Compliance, Reimbrusement, and the False Claims Act
Long-term care expert Stefanie Corbett discusses COVID vaccine mandates, boosters, and other infection control compliance to keep in mind. We also discuss where SNFs should focus their efforts to avoid dips in revenue and compliance issues, specifically the False Claims Act. Stefanie is a health policy educator, consultant, researcher, and author. She is the owner …

Home Health

MACs again address HIPPS code confusion
Due to a number of inquiries about HIPPS code requirements, Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS is reminding providers of a change under PDGM that has impacted no-pay RAPS and final claims in 2021. The issue is a HIPPS code required for the RAP. It can be any valid HIPPS code, but the code used on the …

Most Read Articles


Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


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