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The latest news and analysis about patient safety and healthcare quality.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Featured Story

Study: Use of High-Risk Antibiotics Leads to Increase in C. difficile Infections
For every 100 days of facility-wide antibiotic therapy using one of these high-risk antibiotics, researchers found a 12% increase in hospital-associated C. diff infection. However, further analysis found that only cephalosporins were significantly correlated with hospital-associated C. diff.

News & Analysis

EPA Says There’s No Need for New Hazardous Spill Regs
In its final action, the EPA explains that new regulations are not necessary to regulate spills of hazardous substances (HS) because the “existing cumulative framework of regulatory requirements adequately serves to prevent and contain CWA HS discharges.”
Primary Care Docs Face Obstacles Identifying, Managing Chronic Kidney Disease
Sperati and colleagues at Johns Hopkins heard from four focus groups comprised of more than 30 primary care physicians across the nation, and found that many of them don't have the knowledge or the tools to identify and manage patients with chronic kidney disease, especially in the early stages of the disease.
As Rural Docs Age, Will There Be Enough Left?
The report claims that 66% of primary care shortages in the U.S. and 62% of those for mental health were located in rural or partially rural areas of the country.
PSQI Online Spotlight

Q&A: The Difference Between Patient Satisfaction and Quality

Two definitions that are used often in conjunction with a hospital’s merit are patient satisfaction and quality of care. The following is an edited Q&A with Craig Deao, senior leader at Studer Group, on the differences between the two and how they can be used to drive improvement.

Industry Events

Sunday, 10/13 - ASHRM 2019 Annual Conference

Tuesday, 10/15 - 11th Annual Care Coordination Summit

Wednesday, 11/6 - 2019 Healthcare Quality and Safety Conference

Sunday, 12/8 - IHI National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care




Product Spotlight

Webinar: Drug Diversion by Healthcare Personnel

This webinar presented on Monday, October 21 by expert speaker Kimberly New, BSN, JD, will explore current trends in drug diversion by healthcare personnel and will address how facilities can develop a straightforward approach to diversion prevention, detection, and response.

Attendees will have the opportunity at the end of the program for a live Q&A with the speaker.

Register now!


Career Center

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