This week's MarTech Newsletter is brought to you by: Cheetah Digital

No matter how many hours of planning, vision, or pipeline-building aspirations you’ve baked into your marketing campaigns, a marketing tool that limits your execution won’t deliver the results you seek. But how do you know if your Martech tool is hindering your success? How do you know if a Martech provider can deliver on the key areas you need to knock your campaigns out of the park?

A good Martech tool enables you in the following areas:

  • Data: The lifeblood of any marketing program
  • Acquisition & Enrichment: First- and zero-party data
  • Customer Engagement: Across all channels and touchpoints
  • Next-Gen Personalization: Orchestrate real-time experiences
  • Retention: Creating emotional loyalty through a value exchange
  • Strategy: Focus on people, process, and technology

We know the process of adopting a new marketing technology or even auditing your current one can be daunting. That’s why we’ve created a guide, The Top RFP Questions to Ask Your Martech Vendor , that addresses multiple checkpoints in the RFP journey.

Download the guide and learn the right questions to ask when it comes to assessing your marketing technology.

You’ll also gain access to a downloadable copy of our Martech RFP template, which you can fill in with your specific details during your RFP process.