Good morning, Marketer, are you thinking about retail?

And for marketers working in a retail organization, are you thinking about brands?

The digital landscape shortens the traditional consumer buying journey, and this brings each point in the journey into closer contact with the others. The slow spread of brand awareness activated by, for instance, CPG products, is quickened by the many possible endpoints in the journey, whether they are traditional brick-and-mortar grocers, or e-commerce stores like Amazon.

These journeys are often quicker and digitized. Brands keep hold of the digital experience by upping their digital ad spend. Retailers, online and traditional, maintain their relevance by providing opportunities for brands to serve these ads and cut through and expand awareness in front of customers.

But whose customers are they really? They are in many ways empowered free agents, less loyal to specific product and retail brands, more intent on saving money and participating in meaningful causes outside of the strict sale. This makes customer experience a highly contested journey between brands, retailers and publishers. In the digital realm, the lines between these three cohorts are blurring.

Chris Wood,

5 tips for successfully switching email service providers

Moving to a new vendor can be complex. But with some help, you can make a smoother migration.

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Marketers are reimagining their event strategies

A new CMO Council report finds the event marketing landscape vastly changed.

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To disavow or not? Getting it right, 10 years later.

Google’s disavow links tool launched nearly a decade ago, on October 16, 2012. As we approach the tenth anniversary, webmasters still have confusion and disagreement regarding how to approach a link analysis and properly use backlink data when considering a disavow. A lot has changed since 2012.

Whether you’re disavowing as a preventative measure or a means to recover your rankings, here are some current-day approaches to take based on our experience disavowing links over the past decade.

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The end of A/B testing

Marketers recognize that personalization increases campaign performance; they are rapidly adopting personalization products. Today, the most common method for personalization is to run A/B tests to find the best marketing approach for each customer segment or microsegment. But A/B testing does not scale – the more dimensions and choices you want to test, the longer it takes. Learn how self-learning AI will transform how marketers personalize.

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What is a digital experience platform or DXP and is it the future of content management?

DXPs help marketers to deliver coherent, customized and compelling user experiences to more devices and platforms than ever before.

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How Instacart’s new ad products disrupt grocers while strengthening brand relationships

Instacart Ads for CPGs brings customers closer to brands, but grocers could get left in the dust.

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Roku’s OneView launches Nielsen’s Digital Ad Ratings for streaming advertisers

OneView becomes the first ad buying platform to provide Nielsen guarantees on ad impressions.

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Quote of the day: “This year, the grocers that rise to the top will be those that own the digital relationships with their customers and give CPG brands the ability to offer dynamic ad placements giving customers an ultra-personalized shopping experience both online and in-store.” Sean Turner, chief technology officer for digital loyalty platform Swiftly

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