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 Glenn Beck

Sponsored Message

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


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Sudden Trump Move Could Destroy Cryptocurrencies
Dear Reader,
If you’ve bought any Bitcoin… Ethereum… Litecoin… Z-cash… Monero or any other cryptocurrencies recently…
You need to see my latest research right now.
Donald Trump could soon trigger a massive “reboot” of the U.S. dollar that could destroy cryptocurrencies.
This Trump “reboot” won’t replace the dollar…
Or compete against it…
Instead, I believe it will make the dollar better. Much better.
In fact, I believe the move could make the dollar the best currency in the world.
Better than any cryptocurrency you could get your hands on.
What am I talking about?
This could be the biggest currency story of 2017.
Peter Coyne
Publisher, Paradigm Press 
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