Dear Friends,

Welcome to June! This month is known for graduations and weddings, vacations, and experiencing the great outdoors. It is also the month where we tend to turn our focus toward living a healthier life, doing things like moving our bodies more and making smarter choices about our food. We want to have the energy to be more active and enjoy life--and even look good while doing it!

I feel blessed to live in California where we have sunny weather most of the year, and people that live here have a tendency toward a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are meant to be active, and the return of longer days gives us the opportunity to spend more time taking part in activities we love. June is also the month of my birth, and nothing motivates me more than seeing signs of age! As I get older it is becoming more important to me to care for my body in all ways. I want to stay flexible and feel buoyant in my body and have the energy to engage in the activities that appeal to me.

It is only natural that eating well and movement go hand-in-hand so I've been working on increasing my knowledge about juicing and detoxing along with my already healthy routine. I can't think of a better time to get started than now-- bathing suit weather! Below I have selected four of the many courses we offer about living a healthy lifestyle. I hope that you see something that appeals to you so that you may begin or further your journey. Remember that all lessons are yours to keep and you access them anytime.

The Ultimate 7-Day Cleanse by Tess Masters and Karen Kipp. It's a great time of year to cleanse your body. With this course you will receive a seven-day clean eating meal plan and 35 delicious recipes to follow. Shopping lists make it a breeze to get what you need, and their daily guidance through video and written content will cover many topics to extend your detoxing. more info

21-Day Beginner Yoga by Sadie Nardini. Sadie will give you a yoga video each day for 21 days and lead you through the poses for a variety of needs. She is one of our most popular teachers on DailyOM, and her love for yoga and healing the body is evident in all she does. more info

The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout by Dan Millman. Learn from a world-champion gymnast a daily 4-minute workout that you can do in the privacy of your own home. Dan has done this workout for the past 27 years whether he is at home or on the road. You will receive a new lesson every two days for 30 days (15 lessons total). more info

21-Day Total Goddess Workout by Jannine Murray. Over 21 consecutive days Jannine will share how to lose weight, heal your body, and begin to love yourself as a woman. Included are 30-minute workouts using many different modalities, meal plans, techniques to become unstuck, and how to create harmony in your life. more info

I hope you can find ways to increase movement in your life and look for the joy in treating your body with love and respect. Wishing you a fun and relaxing summer season, and I'll meet you back here next month.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor