Meet the New Faces at the OTL | Ask a Fixer Series: Tune Your Own Bike 2.0 
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Summer Newsletter
We've been so happy to be able to open our doors every Saturday and loan tools to our members! We hope everyone is adjusting to the new procedures and tackling their summer projects! 
We hope to be announcing a new project of ours soon! 
Stay tuned to our social media channels for news. 

New Faces at the Tool Library
Our core team has expanded this summer and we'd like to introduce you to some new staff! 
Meet Jessie
Jessie has been volunteering at the OTL since we first opened and was a part of the core team as our event coordinator. She has recently rejoined our core team and we're THRILLED to have her back as our Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator!! ⁣

"What I love about the OTL is that it does so many things all at the same time. It builds community, reduces the carbon footprint, inspires people to build and then empowers them with affordable access to shared tools to make ideas/projects happen."⁣

⁣⁣❤️ 📸 credit to @maryellencavett. Artwork by @arpi_la_vie
Meet Annie
Annie is our new Library Operations & Event Coordinator! You may recognize her from our Repair Cafes where she is a super skilled seamstress. Her enthusiasm and creativity are an amazing addition to the core team! 

"I joined the tool library because it's a fantastic initiative. I love the idea of meeting like-minded people who fix items in the age of manufactured obsolescence, and have devoted their time to share that knowledge. The OTL family has been a staple of my time in Ottawa. I've learned so much from the people at the tool library and have shared my knowledge of sewing with many others. I'm very excited to be joining the tool library this summer - there will also be many exciting events coming soon!"

⁣⁣❤️ 📸 credit to @maryellencavett. Artwork by @arpi_la_vie
Ask A Fixer Series: Tune Your Own Bike 2.0
Monday July 27 at 7pm

The second Tune Your Own Bike series is here! Join us for a live Q&A with our bike experts, Kevin and Rhéal! 

They will be covering how to change a bike tire and more! Bring your questions or submit them in advance to

Find our first live video about bike maintenance from earlier this summer here.

Tickets not needed - simply follow the link to our Facebook Live page Facebook Live page on Monday July 27th at 7pm.

Link to Facebook Event
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