Morning, everyone. A response on Twitter to Elon Musk's call for investment ideas to fix climate change sprung something inside me. Musk is offering 100 million to someone with a great idea. The best idea I've seen was this one: "I purchase as many continuous acres as possible, in Iowa, plant native prairie grasses, and let loose bison and elk with careful monitoring to keep the herd healthy and maintain balance between food sources and animals." Is there an argument against this? There are about 95 million cattle living the United States today. Historically, there were upwards of 88 million bison roaming the plains before they were wiped out. And that number could have been even higher—estimates vary. Bison are physically much larger than cattle, so that number is even more impressive. They require more food and are overall more robust, active animals. How could that be? How could the land support so many bison? How could the climate support so many bison? And that's not even mentioning all the other large herbivores (and carnivores) existing at the same time in the same environments. I'm sure some ecologists have the answer, but it's a wonder to me. This is the future. The future is the past. The sustainable way forward is retracing our steps backwards, avoiding the venomous snakes in the grass and the holes we tripped over and sprained our ankles during the last traversal. This is the key function of looking at the world through a Primal, evolutionary lens. We focus on individual health and wellness, but it emanates outward. Reverberates through every facet of society and humanity. Applies to everything. Think on the bison situation before the West was won. There are wrinkles and details to consider, things to hammer out before forging ahead, but when it comes right down to it, the truth is that some form of what worked for millions of years is the way forward. Modifications? Yes. Smoothing out of warts? Absolutely. But doesn't that feel right to you? Can't you see it? What's your vision for the future, folks. Let me know in the comment section of Weekly Link Love. |