A little different format today
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Mark Sisson with Coffee Cup

Morning, everyone.

For today's edition of Sunday with Sisson, I'm dropping a bunch of random, rapid-fire observations. I'll try to keep it related to health. 

Instead of just a nutrition label that lists fat, protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals, what if producers added an anti-nutrition label? It would contain heavy metals, anti-nutrients, heat-resistant lectins, oxalates, excess PUFA over a certain threshold, and so on.

It's amazing how hungry swimming makes you. Nothing like it.

One thing that really surprised me about Miami is all the iguanas roaming around. It was a nice surprise.

I hope you guys read The Beginner's Walking Routine and have begun implementing it. Walking truly is magic.

Primal Probiotics feature four research-proven probiotic strains designed to support your gut with 10 billion colony-forming units of probiotics per capsule.

In the coming world, you will need to tolerate ambiguity. You will need to contain multitudes. You must learn to juggle contradictions. 

Seed oils are a bigger issue than grains. Maybe bigger than sugar. At least with grains and sugar there are "better" options (fermented ancient grains, gluten-free grains, honey, fruit, molasses). Seed oils, there aren't.

If you're in good shape and have good thermoregulation, a nice breakthrough workout or "challenge workout" is to train hard in the heavy heat. Not every day, but once in awhile just get impossibly hot and sweaty when you train. Builds character and resilience.

I use the sauna on hot days still. Worth it.

Cold roasted lamb leg with sharp cheddar. Best snack ever. I've said it before and will say it again.

The best "cheat dessert" is high quality ice cream. 

Summer is for grilling after dark with your shirt off.

The popular story of human evolution will look drastically different in ten years. Maybe five.

The same will be true for ancient history.

That's it for today. I'd love to hear from you guys. Which one of these hit the closest to home? What kind of reactions do you have? What's been on your mind lately?

Let me know in the comments section of this week's New and Noteworthy



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