With a 13 year history of hard-hitting investigations, an ever-growing Climate Disinformation Database, and timely stories on climate and energy issues, DeSmog is a go-to source for journalists and decision-makers.
All of this is made possible by readers like you. Thank you!
Unlike corporate media outlets, we don't rely on advertising or big corporate sponsors. Instead, we've set out to build a people-powered media outlet that puts the public interest first. We investigate and report on the important stories often overlooked by the mainstream media.
By becoming a monthly donor, you can help provide us with the ongoing financial stability we need to continue focusing as much of our time on investigations and reporting.
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We have ambitious plans to expand and update our Climate Disinformation Database, which already profiles 380 individuals and 180 organizations working to confuse the public and delay climate solutions. Under President Trump, our database already has served as an invaluable resource to journalists and the public, including huge traffic to our profiles on Trump nominee Kathleen Hartnett White and EPA head Andrew Wheeler.
Together we’re building something unique — a fearless media voice that chases down the stories that other media outlets turn their backs on.
If you believe in journalism that puts people first, become a monthly DeSmog member today!
Sincerely, Brendan DeMelle Executive Director
P.S. Unlike big corporate media, we rely on small donations from our readers to launch new, hard-hitting investigations. Please become a monthly supporter today! | |