Dear John,
We recently celebrated a year since the launch of OpenCourseWare’s next generation platform. In that short time, millions of mobile users have joined OCW’s global community, learning and benefiting from MIT’s free and open educational resources (OER). We’ve added 60 new courses, in high-demand subjects such as artificial intelligence and sustainability, to OCW’s collection of 2,500+ courses. With this emerging knowledge and so much more now available at your fingertips, we’re putting the tools to solve the world’s greatest challenges into the hands of even more people. 

Learners, supporters, and friends like you have made all of this possible. Thanks to this community, we’re closer than ever to ensuring that anyone who wants to learn from one of the best educational institutions in the world has the chance to do so. If you’re able, will you make a gift today to help us reach our goal?
Yes, I want to support OCW
What began 22 years ago as a knowledge-sharing experiment has grown into a global movement—a foundation for greater educational equity. Today, OCW is collaborating with educators and OER leaders around the world to develop more ways to support all learning journeys, share the latest teaching insights with fellow educators, and enhance the OER ecosystem. Your support keeps us at the forefront of open sharing and open learning.

Thank you for considering a gift to OpenCourseWare

With appreciation,

Curt Newton, Director, MIT OpenCourseWare

OCW is part of MIT Open Learning's efforts to transform teaching and learning at MIT and beyond.

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