No images? Click here Dear Skateistan supporters, 🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 Following events in Afghanistan earlier this year, Skateistan has just launched a campaign to fund a major expansion and rebuild of its programs. Rebuilding our programs in Afghanistan is one aspect of this. At the same time, we want to take the seed that was planted in Afghanistan around the world. There are children in many places who need safe spaces, trustworthy adults and the opportunity to learn and express themselves. Our aim is to expand to 20 locations over the next year, and reach 4,500 students each week. This is an ambitious goal and we cannot do it alone. Can you help us write the next chapter? Support Skateistan this Giving Tuesday by making a donation. Additional ways to support Skateistan on Giving Tuesday: Fundraising on social media is an effective way to support us and all donations go directly to Skateistan. Giving Tuesday is a perfect time to start your fundraiser! With this link, you can let your friends and family know about your support and create a fundraiser for Skateistan. Create a “Feed Fundraiser” on Instagram. Find out more about our new campaign - 'A New Chapter' from our launch film on YouTube. |