Help us protect everything we’ve worked for! Make a tax-deductible gift to support your local Angeles Chapter.
Support your local chapter with a tax-deductible gift and protect everything we’ve worked for!
Support the Angeles Chapter
Dear supporter,

Spring 2019 brought a harbinger of significant conservation advances for the Angeles Chapter:
  • The Santa Monica Mountains Task Force was successful in appealing a finding by the California Coastal Commission that allowed permitting of a large-scale residential development on the Sweetwater Mesa ridge in the Santa Monica Mountains.
  • Following almost 3 decades of active opposition to proposed large-scale sand and gravel mining in Soledad Canyon, the Santa Clarita regional group received notice that the national Interior Board of Land Appeals issued a ruling cancelling CEMEX’s two mining contracts in Soledad Canyon. 
  •  A groundbreaking ceremony was held on “the Duck Farm”, a mile-long Los Angeles County Park along the San Gabriel River, culminating a more than 20-year effort by the San Gabriel Valley Task Force including the Sierra Club’s hiring of a field organizer to reach out to the Spanish-speaking communities along the San Gabriel River.

You might ask how these achievements happened.  All were the result of dedicated persistence by Angeles Chapter volunteers who engaged in raising public awareness about the issues, spent many hours preparing educational materials, advocated for change and worked to reach out to impacted communities in the region.  They could not have succeeded without the assistance provided through your tax-deductible contributions to our fiscal sponsor, the Sierra Club Foundation.

For every crisis averted and for every goal achieved, there is another need to be addressed. Southern California is under constant threat by organizations, encouraged by powerful friends in Washington, that exploit the environment with little regard for the damage done to people who live here and to our land, air and water. Sierra Club Foundation provides resources to the Angeles Chapter to support its scientific, educational, literary, organizing, advocacy and legal programs. This is all-important work, and  your tax-deductible gift to our fiscal sponsor, Sierra Club Foundation, will help make it happen. 

Sierra Club supporters make a real difference and we need your help in facing a host of challenges:
  • Wildlands and Wildlife - to protect the wild places we love
  • Clean Water - to rebuild local healthy water supplies.
  • Clean Energy - for our buildings, cars, buses and trucks.
  • Movement Building - to advocate for nature  
Town by town and county by county, we’re going to stop these attacks on our environment in Southern California. I hope you’ll join us. Together we can make a difference.

Please consider a one-time, tax-deductible donation to give the Angeles Chapter the resources to fight back in 2019.  100% of your donation will stay in Southern California to protect the environment in your own backyard

In Solidarity,

  Sharon Koch
  Chapter Chair Angeles Chapter

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