Jason Linkins on his Soapbox
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Jason Linkins, editor of TNR's Soapbox


Dear Friend,

The Soapbox section at The New Republic launched in June 2020, with a determined focus on what’s really important: you, the reader, and making your life better. Whether it’s by arming you with argument or information or knitting up your raveled sleeve of care with a story that brings you back to life, if only momentarily, my goal is to bring you writing that you can profit from and take delight in, in equal measure.




At The Soapbox, I’m going to keep bringing you stories that take a long look while everyone else only offers you a passing glance. I’m going to catch some of those stories that fall out of the headlines. And I’ll keep publishing some stories you couldn’t have possibly expected, like:


Biden’s Pledge to Pull Back in Yemen Is Full of Holes

Can There Ever Be a Working-Class Republican Party?

The Alabama Town That Could Defeat Jeff Bezos

The Worst Impeachment Defense in American History


My team and I are acutely aware that we cannot do this without you, and are immensely grateful for support like yours that ensures we can continue to produce this kind of rigorous, uncompromising content.


Please help us keep it up—the wide-ranging essays, hard-hitting investigations, and other explorations of our politics—by supporting this team of incredible, independent journalists.


–Jason Linkins, editor of TNR’s The Soapbox


If you want to get The Soapbox in your box weekly, sign up for my Power Mad newsletter here.




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