BU Today

Monday, July 11th

Top Headlines
Roscoe Giles, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Boston University College of Engineering

Someday, You’ll Have Supercomputing in Your Hand

ENG prof advised US government on developing exascale computing

Pheidole dentata minor worker ants

Ants Don’t Get Alzheimer’s

Surprising finding on ants and aging


At Arnold Arboretum, It’s Time to Tweet

Bird species abound at North America’s oldest public arboretum

Featured Video
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Jill Rosati works on her final project at CFA on Friday, April 22, 2016. Photo by Jackie Ricciardi for Boston University Photography

Inside the Artists Studios

Each year as the spring semester draws to a close, CFA’s fifth floor is awash in frenetic, sometimes chaotic, energy, with painting and sculpture majors rushing to complete end-of-year projects. BU Today takes you behind the scenes as these creative, often single-minded students put the finishing touches on their work.

Upcoming Events
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Tech, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll

July 12 at 4:00 pm
Metcalf Ballroom, George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

BSO Brass Quintet | Boston University Tanglewood Institute (BUTI)

July 12 at 6:00 pm
Trinity Church, 88 Walker St., Lenox, Mass.

The 1960s: Annual Summer Institute

July 16 at 9:00 am
College of General Studies, 871 Commonwealth Ave.

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Series Spotlight
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BU Abroad

BU offers students the opportunity to study abroad in more than 30 cities on 6 continents. In these videos, BU Today looks at life and learning in faraway places.

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