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  September 7, 2018 Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Join us on LinkedIn

Editor's note

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Karla Accorto, Associate Editor, Residency Program Insider

Editor's Picks

Survey: Maintaining the work-life balance remains a challenge for residents

A recent Medscape survey, taken by more than 1900 residents in over 29 specialties, measured the happiness and well-being of current residents. The survey report revealed that the managing the work-life balance remains the greatest challenge for residents; this is the third year in a row in which this has been the top challenge.

Heard this week


The evolution of the program coordinator role

Prior to 2000 when the ACGME unveiled the Outcome Project and introduced the six core competencies, coordinators were largely thought of as clerical support staff. With the advent of the Outcome Project, this all changed.

New for RPA subscribers only: Managing sexual harassment from patients

When people think about sexual harassment in medical settings, what often comes to mind is the stereotype of a male supervisor being inappropriate with a female staff member. One might also think of a male attending physician convincing a female resident to exchange sex for career advancement, or a physician making inappropriate remarks to a patient. However, the most common form of sexual harassment in the healthcare setting is actually harassment committed by patients themselves.


Marketing Spotlight

Calling all residency program coordinators: Join us at boot camp!

New to the residency program coordinator position? Interested in advancing your career as a coordinator? HCPro offers bootcamps at both the beginner and the advanced level that are great opportunities for coordinators to expand their knowledge and share insights with their colleagues.


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Contact Us

Karla Accorto
Associate Editor
Residency Program Insider

35 Village Road
Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

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