Cisco Live 2020: CEO Chuck Robbins pledges "To power an inclusive future for all;" how SMBs can survive the transition to the post-pandemic economy
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Surviving COVID-19: Lessons learned by a tech CEO

Jim Barrett met with clients in San Francisco in early March as the pandemic spread. After returning home, he got sick with what turned out to be COVID-19.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Cisco Live 2020: CEO Chuck Robbins pledges "To power an inclusive future for all"

How SMBs can survive the transition to the post-pandemic economy

Cisco Live 2020: Webex gets new security features and integration with Box and Epic

Workday releases easily accessible deployment solutions for large enterprises

Sharp drop in overall security spending forecast from Gartner due to COVID-19

Employee resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Cybercriminals unleash diverse wave of attacks on COVID-19 vaccine researchers

Most of the world's most popular passwords can be cracked in under a second

COVID-19: Digital transformation plans are being put on fast-forward

Featured multimedia

Return to work: What the new normal will look like post-pandemic (free PDF)

COVID-19 completely upended the traditional approach to working. As the economy begins to re-open post-pandemic, the new normal of work, business travel, and office space is being redefined and discovered across industries. What will the post-COVID-19 workplace look like? What role will technology play as workers return to office spaces? This free PDF download from TechRepublic explores how workforces will operate, what future work spaces will look like, and what technology’s role will be in these transitions post-pandemic.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Microservices: The foundation of tomorrow's enterprise applications

Microservice architecture has the potential to pick up where service-oriented architecture (SOA) left off, making application development faster, more scalable, and more flexible. But as with SOA, some doubt microservices can live up to their promise. We help CIOs sort out the fact from fiction.

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