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April 30, 2024

Police Blotters
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Suspended driver drops crack pipe during stop: Independence Police Blotter
Also in this week’s Independence Police blotter, a driver on his way to a party is found with a handgun.
By Brian Lisik, special to
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Loud music, curfew violations and blow torches not connected: Hunting Valley Police Blotter
They were separate calls, as road flooding also remains a concern.
By Thomas Jewell, special to
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Man flees store after stealing $280 worth of items: Avon Police Blotter
Also in this week’s Avon Police blotter, a rental car company reports a customer failed to return a car by the due date.
By Brian Lisik, special to
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Police Blotter
Woman buys $1,800 in gift cards for fraudulent emailer: Chagrin Falls police blotter
As seen in this week’s Chagrin Falls police blotter, a Chardon woman, 79, bought $1,800 in gift cards to give to a fraudulent person who emailed her. The police report was made 2 p.m. April 18. The victim attends a Chagrin Falls church. The initial report did not provide further details.
By Joan Rusek, special to
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Kayakers try to dislodge their craft from raging river: Russell Township police blotter
Safety concerns prompt a resident to call police 7:21 p.m. April 13 after seeing three males in the river trying to retrieve a kayak that was stuck. After speaking with safety officials, they agreed to stop and return when the water level recedes.
By Joan Rusek, special to
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