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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities| July 2021 - 3rd issue
Sustainable cities - how to make them more inclusive?

“People” and the “society” have been gaining a central role in the scope of sustainable development until the latter became the foundation for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Taking the core principles of the intercultural approach into account, sustainable development policies and actions should ensure equal rights and opportunities to all, build on the diversity advantage, and enable meaningful intercultural interaction, active participation, co-creation, co-development and co-evaluation.

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Launch of the ICC facts and figures page
The ICC Facts and Figures presents a quick visual overview of the composition of the ICC member cities. This intuitive tool, with its easy to interpret charts, is addressed to policymakers, city officials and anyone wishing to know how the intercultural integration policy model is being implemented across the network at a glance.
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Publication of a new guide: Which alternative narratives work and why?
Following the ‘10 criteria for the creation of effective alternative narratives on diversity’, the ICC has worked together with experts to develop research on alternative narratives specifically in relation to migration and integration.
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What does “diversity, identity and equality” mean to you? – A new ICC video
What does this mean to the residents of our cities? In this new video from the Intercultural Cities programme you will meet a diverse group of people who reflect on what identity, equality and diversity means to them.
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Intercultural integration in Cyprus
"Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus" is a new 2-year project being implemented by the Intercultural Cities Programme and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support, in partnership with the Civil Registry and Migration Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus.
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Our Intercultural City - Our Home
We all deserve a home. No two persons will give you the same exact answer of what home means to them. Some will describe it as a friends and family, while others will speak of familiar sounds, sights, or experiences.For many of those who have been forced to flee and find a new home, Home is also a feeling of safety or refuge – a place where they can build a future without fear.
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Bringing all inclusion services in Bergen under one roof
Within the framework of the international project “Building Dignity”, Bergen (Norway) is working to create a centre combining services and learning – bringing all essential activities under one roof at an attractive location. The centre will be placed in a former education centre for teachers, Landås.
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“Inclusive Recruitment”: a joint project from Oeiras, Loures and Amadora
The municipalities of Oeiras, Loures and Amadora (Portugal) have been awarded one of the grants opened by the Intercultural Cities programme for inter-cities projects. The project “Inclusive Recruitment” aims to encourage Portuguese employers hiring migrants and newcomers, benefitting from the advantage of diversity.
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Limassol, Haifa and Ioannina engaged in the development of a Mediterranean Intercultural Cities Community through sport and youth
The cities of Limassol (Cyprus), Haifa (Israel) and Ioannina (Greece) have been awarded an ICC grant for inter-city work on a project for the developing a Mediterranean Intercultural Cities Network which will promote Diversity and Interculturalism throughout the region.
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Ready to take a DiversiTour in Bilbao and Valencia?

The Spanish cities of Bilbao and Valencia have been awarded one of the Intercultural Cities grants for inter-city work. Through their project “DIVERSITOURS”, the two cities will develop a methodology for intercultural visits, tours and interaction experiences in neighbourhoods with high representation of migrant population. The project will also contribute to increase the intercultural competence of the participating cities.

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Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław join forces in the project “Together against hate speech”
The cities of Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław (Poland) have been awarded one of the grants opened by the Intercultural Cities programme for inter-cities projects.
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Webinar on “Interculturalism and Anti-Racism in Cities: From Theory to Practice”
The ICC programme organised on 20 May 2021 with the Laboratory for Research on Intercultural Relations (LABRRI) at the University of Montreal the second international webinar on “Interculturalism and Anti-Racism in Cities: From Theory to Practice”.
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CDADI adopted a Framework for intercultural integration strategy
The Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity, and Inclusion (CDADI), during its third plenary meeting adopted a Model Framework for an intercultural integration strategy which aims to serve as a basis for national intercultural integration strategies based on human rights standards.
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Intercultural Cities and Refugees
Cities play a crucial role in welcoming refugees, providing both facilities to meet their immediate needs, and opportunities for their long-term social and economic integration.
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