Tell clients: No use waiting for lower mortgage rates | Who at NAR signed off on the settlement, and was the decision to settle subject to proper NAR governance procedures? | How B2B marketers can find success through difference
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July 12, 2024
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Top News
Economists say home buyers shouldn't hinge their hopes on rates returning to the ultra-low 2% or 3% range any time soon.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/11) 
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Now is the time to free your brokerage from complicated, manual commission calculations. Get SkySlope and add on Books, the new accounting solution that makes payouts simple with the industry's most advanced commission formulas.
Settlement Answers
Who at NAR signed off on the settlement, and was the decision to settle subject to proper NAR governance procedures?
The settlement was signed off by NAR's leadership team, in consultation with outside legal and financial experts, and in accordance with NAR's governance procedures. Throughout the settlement process, NAR engaged with a diverse range of members and considered their perspectives and interests while fighting to protect all industry players as best it could. As is common in negotiating a complex settlement, there is a need to maintain confidentiality and effectively navigate complex legal considerations, which restricted the extent of the information that NAR could share more broadly. Get more facts about NAR's proposed settlement agreement at
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Best Practices in Sales & Marketing
Difference is not only the top driver of pricing power for business-to-business brands, it's also the top factor in powering exceptional business outcomes, according to research by Kantar BrandZ. B2B marketers can set their brands apart through thought leadership, distinctive messaging and spotlighting unique product or service benefits, advises Kantar BrandZ's Jenny Peters, pointing to B2B brands like Intel that are getting difference right.
Full Story: Kantar (7/10) 
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Real Estate Trends
Experts say a home's eco-friendly features—and their selling points—can extend to outdoor spaces, too.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (7/10) 
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McNeely & Birky Real Estate is listing this four-bedroom home in Westfield, Ind., with an asking price of $885,000.
Full Story: WISH-TV (Indianapolis) (7/10) 
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As department store chains depart, apartments are increasingly becoming a part of the mall ecosystem, with more than half of renovations in 2022 containing a housing element, JLL reports. For example, Simon, a major owner of commercial real estate, is planning to spend about $1.5 billion adding hotels and apartments to its shopping centers.
Full Story: Modern Retail (tiered subscription model) (7/11) 
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Technology & Innovations
As a jack of many trades, small business owners can both save time and optimize data when using accounting software to create invoices or financial projections for investors and project management tools to streamline operations. Similarly, email marketing solutions can help engage customers more effectively and graphic design platforms allow even the most amateur designer to make create branding assets and decks.
Full Story: Small Business Trends (7/10) 
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Business Wellness
Idaho real estate professional Launee Wolverton packs handbags and backpacks with essential products and gives them to homeless and underprivileged women.
Full Story: REALTOR® Magazine (3/28) 
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Fair & Equitable Housing
Complaints of housing discrimination in Washington decreased last year, with the majority involving discrimination against people with disabilities. Nationally, however, complaints hit an all-time high for the third consecutive year, according to the National Fair Housing Alliance's new report.
Full Story: The Missoula Current (Mont.) (7/11) 
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Legislation & Regulation
Exposure to commercial real estate could pressure earnings for regional banks, leading them to stockpile funds and use a cautious approach to stock buybacks, according to analysts. "We expect higher-for-longer rates will continue to pressure credit quality for the next several quarters pushing more banks to build loan loss reserves through 2024," analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note.
Full Story: Reuters (7/10) 
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The National Association of REALTORS® is America's largest trade association, representing more than 1.5 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. REALTOR® Magazine is the official magazine of NAR, bringing expert insight to real estate trends, tools, and business strategies.
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