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September 14, 2023
Sweet Corn is Life and Legacy on Arkansas Farm
Deep in the pocket of southeast Arkansas, generosity is infectious. At Miles Farms, bitter has blossomed sweet. Linked from father to son to brother to grandson, a chain of thanksgiving has grown stronger with time, rooted in an annual sweet corn field and nearly 1 million ears given to the public.

Doug Hensley from Hertz Real Estate answers the question, "How much do crop prices impact the decision-making process of farmland buyers" and shares how this year is shaping up to be a bit busier than anticipated.

What Makes 2023 Land Sales Different Than 2022 or 2021?

Here are three EPA-legal ways to optimize the horsepower of a combine’s engine.

Dull is Expensive: Maximum Combine Horsepower Comes From Sharp Edges

There is now a dollar value assigned to grain carbon intensity scores below 29 in the form of tax credits to biofuel plants that buy grain as part of their decarbonization efforts. Buying grain from growers with a lower carbon intensity score is the easiest way for refiners to lower their score and qualify for the tax credits.

Ferrie: Biofuel Tax Credit Needs Could Mean More Dollars For Farmers’ Grain

One might argue teenagers have a lot of learning left to do, but Jennifer Shike, Farm Journal's Pork editor, could argue they are wiser than they get credit for. After all, they are in a period of life where they hear a lot of advice from well-meaning people.

Around the Ring: What’s the Best Piece of Advice You’ve Heard Lately?
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