Happy October! 
We know 2020 has been a challenge for many due to restrictions on gathering sizes, but we hope you still had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to enjoy many of your food traditions.  Next up is Halloween! Another event that might be significantly changed – but there are still fun ways to celebrate and we're here to help with a few ideas!


Want to get creative in the kitchen this Halloween? Here are three sweet and spooky Halloween recipes to get you started. These recipes are fantastic because you can add in your favourite candy or sprinkles to customize them! Our Peanut Butter & Honey Fudge, Honey Caramel Apples and Honey Popcorn balls are SUPER FUN to make with kids.  Oh yeah! Here’s another idea… if you have leftover Halloween candy use it to make our fudge recipe and pop it in the freezer to enjoy in a few weeks during the long, cold weeks of November!

What do the bees do in winter?

We all know winter is coming and that means pulling out the warm coats, mitts and toques and spending more time indoors. Have you ever wondered how bees survive our Canadian winters?

Once the weather turns cold, the bees stop flying.  And just like we wrap ourselves in a warm coat, our beekeepers wrap up their bees too! Some beekeepers will wrap the hives in an insulating material or if they have the space, they move them into heated storage facilities at their apiary.

Bees will huddle in a crowd into the lower central area of the hive forming a winter cluster. Worker bees huddle around the queen. The cluster will shiver to keep the centre around 27C/80F. Workers rotate from the outside to the inside of the cluster ensuring no bees get cold. The colder the weather the more compact the cluster. Aren't bees amazing?

We're Rewarding our Followers!

We are performing Random Acts of Kindness this October to show our gratitude! Every week we are randomly choosing four followers from our Instagram and Facebook pages and surprising them with a BeeMaid Honey gift pack. Make sure you’re following us so that you can get in on the fun!  

Pizza for Breakfast?

Are you looking for ways to add veggies to your breakfast? Our breakfast pizza featuring a honey crust is so customizable and an enjoyable way to eat your veggies! Get creative!

BeeMaid Raw Honey

Have you tried our Raw Honey? If not, what are you waiting for? Here are two recent reviews:

"This Raw Honey is very delicious and creamy and obviously high quality. One teaspoon of this honey and gone are my cravings for sweets. I will be purchasing this BeeMaid Honey again - perfect for Paleo food choices." 

“I bought Beemaid Raw creamy honey because it was a good value, but also to use a spoonful at a time in coffee so as to cut out sugar. I really like the taste and will use it on my toast too.”

Our Raw Honey is found at many Canadian grocery retailers. Give it a try – we think you’ll love it!
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