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In this issue of Swimming World, read about 2022 High School National Champion teams of the year- For girls, the Santa Margarita Catholic High School Eagles, with their first ever national title in 35 years; and for boys, The Bolles School, winning their seventh national title. Also featured are high school championships mock heat sheets; Swimmer Leanne Smith who won seven gold medals at the recent World Para Swimming Championships; The Missed Turn featuring German freestyle star Franziska van Almsick; A review of Shifting Currents: A World History of Swimming by Karen Eva Carr; Reverse Periodization, Part 2; The effect of technique and propulsion on swimming velocity; Special Sets with Crile Hart of Kenyon College; Q&A with Sierra Marlins coach Tim McCormick; How They Train with Sierra Marlins' Brady Calkins and Erica Jaffe; A dryland workout to prep for short course season; What to know about transitioning from high school to college swimming; Up and Comer Eryn Arnold of Beach Cities Swimming; and much more!

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