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In this issue of Swimming World, read about Russia's Kliment Kolesnikov. Because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, FINA banned all Russian swimmers from international competition through the end of 2022, so the two-time Olympic medalist will spend 2022 focused on his training. Also featured is Mary T. Meagher's historic 1981 world record in the 200m butterfly; Mental health in swimming; The evolution of two years of progress for the Nevada Swim Club Sandpipers; Dealing with Dismay (Part 2); The effect of velocity and technique on resistance; Special Sets with Daniel Matheson and Kevin Zacher; Q&A with U.S. Naval Academy Coach Bill Roberts; How They Train with Midshipman Caleb Mauldin; Dryland exercises for the summer shift to power and speed; Up and Comer Peter Shih of the Scottsdale Aquatic Club; The 2022 Aquatic Directory; and much more!

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