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In this issue of Swimming World, check out our 2022 NCAA preview. Can Kate Douglass help the Virginia Cavaliers win their second team title in school history? Also featured is Swimming World's Top 10 men's and women's team rankings, ahead of NCAA Championships; NCAA Division I and II schools to resume competition normalcy; The case for bringing the sport of life-saving back to the Olympics; World Record Flashback, examining in detail the global standards of the past, starting with the GOAT, Michael Phelps; Katharine Berkoff, daughter of David Berkoff, is reaching her own swimming success; The athletic benefits of omega-3 fatty acids; Brothers and coaches Don and Ron Heidary of Orinda Aquatics touch on what to do about problematic teammates; Buoyancy issues for floating and kicking; Special Sets with Eagle Aquatics' Kaii Winkler; Q&A with UCLA coach Jordan Wolfrum; How They Train with UCLA's Sam Baron; Dryside Training- No Gym? No Worries!; Up & Comer Elizabeth Gregory of Williamsburg Aquatic Club; The 2022 Swim Camp Directory; and more!

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