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Swimming World Weekly Splash
October 27, 2022 - Weekly Splash Newsletter
Another great week requires another Weekly Splash! 
We hope you had a great week too!

We previously published piece in which clinician and author Wayne Goldsmith took a look at 10 things parents do that irritate coaches. Well, there is another side of that coin. Goldsmith also took a glance at things that coaches...

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Swim School Association Honors Seven With Awards at USSSA National Conference
8 Things You’ll Love and Hate If You Quit Swimming

You can take the swimmer out of the pool, but you can’t take the pool out of the swimmer… Or something like that.

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Swim Parents: 10 Things They Don’t Like to See From a Coach

United States Swim School Association (USSSA) honored seven members with awards during the USSSA National Conference that took place in Maui, Hawaii.  The evening was full of honors and accolades for some well-deserving individuals.

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Strong U.S. Team For Short Course Worlds Means More Legitimate Championships

Most in the swimming community will acknowledge that a world title or medal from the FINA Short Course World Championships carries less weight than the same award at the... 

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Training Pool Bucket List: 8 Unique Pools Around the World

The pools we train in are pretty universal. Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, they mostly consist of the same things. Picture the pool you train in daily, and I’m going to guess the basics. There’s probably a pool deck infested with various species of mold, starting blocks that make you question if you should’ve signed a waiver prior to utilization, funky colored lane lines, and a designated area for random kickboards, pull buoys, paddles, and fins to lay around. I don’t even have to ask, I know for a fact that I’m spot-on.

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Don't forget to check out our Swim Shop for cool equipment and more!
SaferSwimmer 20L PVC Float- Green
SaferSwimmer 20L PVC Float- Green
SaferSwimmer 15L PVC Float
SaferSwimmer 15L PVC Float
SALE! Mystery-Numbered SaferSwimmer 20L PVC Float
SALE! Mystery-Numbered SaferSwimmer 20L PVC Float
International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame Hat
International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame Hat
*All proceeds benefit the International Swimming Hall of Fame, Inc., a registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in the State of Florida. Contributions to ISHOF are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 
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