The Muslim reaction to the Ukraine war
Haaretz Daily Brief
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Ukraine's Jamala smiles after winning the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest final in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2016.
The Muslim Reaction to the Ukraine War
| 27.02.2022
Podcast | Visit Israel? You’re canceled. The new threat to Democrats in Congress
A Russian soldier demines a site during drills, in Russia, last month.
International Support for Ukraine May Drive Putin to Escalate Crisis
| 28.02.2022
The app of the Russian government newspaper is showing Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, on Tuesday.
Russia Is Running an Orwellian Campaign Against Ukraine
| 27.02.2022
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and Metropolitan Epiphanius, the head of the independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church, sanctify an independent Ukrainian church, formalizing a split with the Russian church it had been tied to since 1686
Russia Is Waging a Religious War on Ukraine, and Israel Is Involved
Catherine Wanner / Opinion | 27.02.2022
Police block Red Square ahead of a planned unsanctioned protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine in central Moscow, Thursday.
'Putin Has an Ultimate Goal, and It's Not Ukraine'
| 25.02.2022
Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich at the Stamford Bridge soccer stadium in 2015.
Will Israeli Donations Save Putin Ally Roman Abramovich From Ukraine Sanctions?
| 27.02.2022
Roman Abramovich attends the UEFA Women's Champions League final soccer match in Gothenburg, Sweden, in May.
Yad Vashem Should Keep Its Distance From Roman Abramovich
| 28.02.2022
Israeli riot police officers scuffle with protesters during a protest to show solidarity with Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem, February 18, 2022.
Those Loyal to Democracy in Israel Must Wake Up
Zehava Galon / Opinion | 27.02.2022
Women of the wall
U.S. Jewish Leaders Prepare for Crucial Meeting With Bennett Over Kotel Deal
| 27.02.2022
Prof. Love Dalén carries a mammoth tusk.
In Russia, an Ancient DNA Researcher Rewrites the Past
| 28.02.2022
An aerial shot of the excavation at el-Araj.
Where Did Peter the Apostle, Disciple of Christ, Really Live?
| 27.02.2022
Adrian Dunbar as Superintendent Hastings in the sixth season of "Line of Duty."
Crime Doesn’t Pay? The Rise and Fall of British Television
| 27.02.2022
Jes' trash, or, tape of the declaration of the state in 1948
How Bambino the Magician Became an Antiquities Trader in Israel
| 27.02.2022
Russian presidential advisor Vladimir Medinsky, who heads the delegation of Russia at the talks with Ukraine, speaks to the media outside the talks venue in Belarus' Gomel region, on Monday.
War in Europe, Day 5 || Israel to Join UN Vote Condemning Russia
| 27.02.2022
Ukrainian refugees arrive at the Medyka border crossing in Medyka, Poland, on Saturday.
Israel Won't Act Against Illegal Ukrainian Residents Until 'Situation Is Clarified'
| 28.02.2022
A Russian armed vehicle in flames in Kharkiv, Sunday.
Kharkiv Becomes a Battlefield as Fighting With Russia Intensifies
| 28.02.2022
A man walks in front of a destroyed building after a Russian missile attack
LISTEN || 'Syria Was Putin's Laboratory. Now He's Taking His Methods to Ukraine'
| 28.02.2022 - הארץ
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