T-Mobile had another major data breach: It’s time for the government to protect everyone’s privacy.

Free Press Action


Uh, this isn’t good:

Screenshot of a news headline that reads "t-mobile breached by hackers as 37 million customers impacted"

This the eighth hack in T-Mobile’s history — and the second one in just two years.1

Whether it’s reckless security practices or the excessive collection of our personal information, companies are vacuuming up our data without any concern about the consequences. And these companies are able to do this because there’s weak — sometimes nonexistent — federal oversight. That needs to change — and the change starts with us.

Will you add your name to our petition calling on Congress, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission to safeguard data privacy right now?

The fact of the matter is that we are our data. Our habits, our interests, our health, our locations, our most intimate communications make up who we are. Our data should be our own and we should always know what’s happening to it, how it’s being used — and how to retain control over it.

But the latest T-Mobile hack reveals just how poorly companies are doing at protecting the massive amounts of personal data they possess. Market forces are failing — it’s time for our government to step in and help protect people’s privacy rights.

If you agree, add your name to our petition calling for real federal action to protect our online privacy.

Thanks for taking action,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Our privacy rights hang in the balance. It’s critical that we work fast to ensure that tech companies keep their #HandsOffMyData. Please add your name to our petition to Congress, the FCC and the FTC today.

1. “T-Mobile Announces Another Data Breach, Impacting 37 Million Accounts,” The Verge, Jan. 20, 2023

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