If you like our writing, we’d be much obliged if you would click the ❤️ or the 🔁 icon on this post so more collectors, art lovers, and artists can discover us on Substack. 🙏 A daily newsletter featuring today’s finest visual artists. Today's Newsletter is Brought to You by BOLDBRUSH.Free Art Marketing Webinar on Social Media TrendsFree and Open webinar for all visual artists happening next Thursday, August 15th at 11:00 AM CDT!Join us for a free, artist-focused webinar as we discuss the latest social media trends, answer questions about social media platforms and share social media updates for artists. This webinar is open to all artists! Thursday, August 15th at 11:00am CDT (12:00pm EDT, 10:00am MDT, 9:00am PDT) BoldBrush Recommends: Tai Meng LimBiographyTai-Meng Lim (Malaysian, born 1976) started painting at the tender age of ten. His curiosity and passion for the arts lead him to experiment with various methods and mediums. Growing up from a humble family background, most of his experiences then of arts and paintings were self-taught. This would eventually become the very foundation necessary to kick start his creative journey and in 1993, he was honored with scholarship programs for his participation in the National Art Scholarship Competition. Creating Art is about Creating Magic. New Artwork by FASO Members Your art could be here tomorrow, for free. |