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Dear friends: We hope this finds you healthy and well. We are reaching out to you in hopes that you would give us 10-12 minutes of your time by participating in a collaborative survey research project with Christianity Today and Barna Group. If you are unfamiliar with Barna Group, Barna is a 40-year-old research firm that is dedicated to studying the intersection of faith and culture. Right now, we are conducting a survey to better understand the experiences and perspectives of people who read, view, or listen to Christianity Today. By taking the time to respond, your input will allow us to better serve the Christianity Today audience and the Church as a whole. The survey should take about 10-12 minutes to complete. Please know that your responses are entirely confidential and anonymous; we are not collecting any personally identifiable information and solely hope that you feel able to answer honestly. To begin the survey, please click here. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues while taking the survey, please contact the Barna Research team at Thank you in advance for your help! The Teams at Christianity Today and Barna Group |
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