CNOs are essential members of the C-suite. Hospitals and healthcare systems should dedicate time and resources to their professional development.
Monday, April 27, 2020

'One of the most important things that health systems can do is to make sure that their nurse leaders are positioned to be able to have [an impact], that they have a seat at the table, and they are in a position to be able to give input and feedback to help guide the decision-making of healthcare system.' – Trish Celano, MSN, RN, senior vice president, associate chief clinical officer, and chief nursing executive at AdventHealth.

It can be difficult to not become overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and these turbulent times are certainly trying. But oftentimes, some good can come out of challenges. With this in mind, I encourage you to take a moment and reflect upon how your staff members have handled this situation. Have you noticed anyone rising to the top and showing leadership qualities? Perhaps you have someone with future nurse executive potential in your midst. As Trish Celano, MSN, RN, points out in this issue's feature story on AdventHealth's executive leadership program, current CNOs should be on the lookout for CNOs of the future.


AdventHealth's 'Aggressive Approach' to CNO Succession Planning
CNOs are essential members of the C-suite. Hospitals and healthcare systems should dedicate time and resources to their professional development.
A Nurse's Hospital Wouldn't Let Her Wear an N95 Mask. She Hasn't Been Back to Work in Weeks.
As the coronavirus spreads, hitting health care providers especially hard, doctors and nurses across the country report inadequate protective measures from their hospitals. Some feel they’ve been forced out of work — right when the country needs them most.
This Hospital Has Only 8 Nurses. They Are Also the Janitors.
Eight nurses are the majority of employees who remain at Oklahoma's Haskell County Community Hospital. The future of the 25-bed hospital is increasingly grim.
OSHA Probing Health Worker Deaths But Urges Inspectors To Spare The Penalties
The nation's top worker safety agency is not viewed as an advocate likely to rush to workers' aid.
Born Into a Pandemic: Virus Complicates Births for Moms and Babies
Across the U.S., COVID-19 is radically altering medical care, not only for vulnerable elders but also for pregnant women and their babies entering the world.

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That's all for today. As always, send any tips, thoughts, or advice my way at or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing