| By DREW BROACH | Deputy metro editor |
TAKING AIM: In a series of moves aimed at chipping away at New Orleans’ crime problem, the City Council on Thursday passed measures directed at nuisance businesses, the parents of kids who take guns to school and illegal dumping, while also asking for an auditor to look closely at police recruiting.
ROSY FORECAST: The appraisal used by the Port of South Louisiana to offer $445 million for the Avondale shipyard property that sold five years ago for $60 million is based on remarkably optimistic financial projections and a host of unknowns about the world economy, the local economy, regional port trends and what competitors will do. Want more stories like this? Subscribe to our NOLA Business Insider newsletter, emailed weekday mornings. It's free.
UNEVEN: New Orleans City Council member JP Morrell is taking aim at Carnival laws that essentially give public subsidies to 35 Mardi Gras season float parades while making other processions pay more than ten times as much for police, sanitation and ambulance services.
Thank you for starting your Friday with Morning Headlines. Stay up to date with the latest news all day on NOLA.com. D.B. |