Tamara M. Lost Over 142 Pounds and
Reversed Type 2 Diabetes

What made me change the way I ate? Simple…the way I felt! I hadn’t felt good for a long time. I was overweight, tired and achy, uncomfortable, and I hurt a lot. I was unhappy with the way I felt! I was tired of feeling that way and wanted to be able to move easily and freely, get healthy, be active, and get my weight to a healthy BMI. I was addicted to unhealthy food.

I decided that I was worth it to get myself healthy and in a place where I was comfortable with myself and felt good. I had to acknowledge my addiction and take action to change it. I decided I was going to focus on self-care for myself and that meant a lot of change and some new eating and exercise habits. It is ok to focus on ourselves and take the time to make sure we are giving ourselves good nutrition, plenty of healthy movement, good rest, time to ourselves, and time doing things we enjoy. “Self-care is something that refuels us, rather than takes from us” - Agnes Wainman. There is a difference between self-care and self-indulgence. I’m still working on identifying self-indulgence in areas of my life.

My starting weight was 290.5 pounds on March 15, 2022. I’m 5 foot 4 and was considered morbidly obese. Which means I was so overweight that it was basically killing me. That’s what the “morbid” part really means. I wasn’t always overweight. I was pretty thin throughout my life until my late 30s or early 40s. I’ve pretty much always eaten the standard American diet. I was nutrition deficient and addicted to food. I had tried Weight Watchers, counting calories, tried Adkins, Nutrisystem and tried moderation. I lost weight several times only to go back to my previous eating habits and gain it all back, plus more as time went on. I was less and less active during this time. Our entertainment often involved food and meeting people at restaurants for a meal. A lot revolves around food, vacations, holidays, birthdays, and celebrations of all sorts.

Read More of Tamara's Story

Look and Feel Your Best 

Over 90% of 12-Day participants with type 2 diabetes are able to completely eliminate or reduce their medication in less than two weeks! 

"I have already lost 50 pounds on a plant-based diet and have been stuck, for a long time, unable to lose my last 25-30 pounds. I already loved the McDougall program, I just needed to fine-tune my food and eat more starch! I've lost 3 pounds since starting the 12-day program and now starting on this releasing the rest of the weight!" - Danna L.

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I'm WFPB but Still Have High Cholesterol. What Can I Do?
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
Learn the definitive version of Mary’s Mini-McDougall Diet® from the creators, Dr. John and Mary McDougall.

This is a trimmed-down, fast-acting modification of the regular McDougall diet: it is starch-based with the addition of non-starchy vegetables.

This diet is a simplified tool for people overwhelmed by the initial challenges of starting on the McDougall program and/or boosting their progress when they feel that changes are coming too slowly.

  • Reset your weight loss journey and get back on track with healthy eating without counting calories or eating at specific times of the day
  • Curb sugar and high-fat cravings
  • Learn an easy way to start the regular McDougall diet
  • Get answers directly from the McDougall team as questions come up (within the online mini-course)
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Join the McDougalls every Sunday at 5 PM PT for a talk on a hot topic and get your questions answered by the experts. Questions can be submitted during Sunday’s livestream or sent in ahead of time to office@drmcdougall.com.
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