NWC Update
Network Computing
January 20, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Taming Network Complexity with Digital Twins
Digital twins can help manage and troubleshoot complex networks by providing an accurate replica of the network's configuration and state.

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Fulton County Schools: Five Lessons From a Massive Digital Transformation
Fulton County Schools CIO Dr. Emily Bell shares advice and lessons learned from the school’s major digital transformation that are applicable to organizations of all types.
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When the Cloud is the Problem, Not the Answer
Taking cloud costs into consideration, more businesses today are adopting a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy to leverage the benefits of different deployment models for different parts of their applications.
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New Processors Help Modernize the Data Center for AI
Enterprise and cloud data centers are using new compute and networking processors to run and speed up today’s more complex AI workloads.
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  • Going Beyond IT -- How to Make ESM a Reality

    Amidst increasing demands on IT teams and budget constraints heading into 2024, many IT leaders are looking for ways to work smarter - leveraging no-code software, integrations hubs and automation. When it comes to IT Service Management (ITSM) platforms, many teams ...

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Leveraging Network Support with Non-IT Personnel
As networks move to the edge, IT can’t always move with them. How do you maintain them? Here are tips to enlist paraprofessionals to help. Read More
Cloud Risk Management’s Time Has Come
The risks and stakes are growing as companies transfer more IT to the cloud. But are those companies really ready? Read More
5G Advanced Standards Set Stage for 6G Release
Recent 3GPP work on Releases 18 and 19 in areas such as AI/ML, MIMO, and power savings provide a starting point for future 6G standards. Read More

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